16 March - 15 April 2024

This programme invites students to explore every aspect of politics and government, from constitutional history to twenty-first century international relations, and from the political theory of the Founding Fathers to today's public policy challenges. Depending on availability students will meet senior government officials, eminent academics, policy analysts, leaders of think tanks, high-profile lawyers, political staffers, and members of the United States Congress.
The program is divided into three sections:
- Law, History & Political Philosophy
- Global Politics & International Affairs
Public Policy: Legislation & Regulation
It is not necessary to attend all three sections, but we expect most of our visiting scholars will choose to attend at least two of them, and
several will participate in all three. Each section runs for ten days, so the full program runs for one month, from Saturday, 16 March until Monday, 15 April.
Law, History & Political Philosophy
Week 1: 16 – 26 March

Global Politics & International Affairs
Week 2: 26 March – 5 April
Public Policy: Legislation & Regulation
Week 3: 5 – 15 April

Washington DC in Spring includes lectures and seminars at two universities both well known for their distinguished faculty:
Georgetown University is the home of the School of Foreign Service, well known for preparing men and women for distinguished careers in politics and international diplomacy.
George Mason University is the number one centre of excellence for the study of Public Choice Theory, the economics of politics or, as Nobel Laureate James Buchanan called it, 'Politics without Romance'.
THink Tanks
Washington is full of experts on a broad range of public policy questions, who exert enormous influence on federal legislation. We will have confidential briefings on contemporary issues from influential think tanks across the ideological spectrum.
We will visit centrist groups like the Center for Strategic & International Studies and the Aspen Institute; conservative groups, including Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute; liberal/progressive groups, including the Brookings Institution and the Center for American Progress, libertarian groups, including the Cato Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and independent and bipartisan think tanks, such as the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Our Visiting Scholars often have the chance to meet a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or a member of the U.S. Senate. These meetings operate under Chatham House Rules, which means that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. Under such conditions the Senators and Congressmen will speak candidly in answer to our questions.